Socialite sisters Tamara and Petra Ecclestone were spotted out in Los Angeles on Thursday grabbing a bite to eat with their daughters Sophia Rutland and Lavinia Stunt.
As usual, Tamara and Petra were dressed the same in yoga pants, a black tank and matching runners. The girls rode in the identical Maclaren Quest strollers with Lavinia watching her iPad as she strolled through Beverly Hills.
Tamara also carried one for Sophia as well as they made their way into the restaurant.
Last week Tamara took to Instagram to voice her opinion about moms supporting each other saying,
“We should all be encouraging those that do want to breast feed and making it easier for them. I personally am very proud of the fact that I feed my two year old daughter on demand and will do so for as long as she wants to, its a decision only she can make when she is ready to wean. In the mean time I feel very comfortable with the fact that I am meeting all her needs and she is a very secure little girl as a result. We should all raise our children how we feel as mothers is best whether that be to breast feed bottle feed co sleep put your baby in a cot. ”
How much do we LOVE her?
The sisters arrived in LA just a few days ago, but have been busy hitting all the kiddie hot spots with their girls. Petra currently owns the former Spelling mansion “The Manor”, so we know there is no shortage of luxury during their stay!