Pregnancy Facts:
1. Who did you first inform about your pregnancy and how?
My husband and 3 year old son
2. Maximum weight?
I’ve gained 5lbs – let’s leave it at that!
3. Cravings?
Initially – bagels, deep fried panzarotti’s and V8! Now – LOTS of lemonade(??) and Betty Crocker Cheesy Scallop Potatoes.
4. Aversions?
5. Morning Sickness?
No – Just lots of queesy ness
Delivery Facts:
1. Number of Kids/Deliveries?
2. NSD or CS?
Natural without pain medication
3. Girl or Boy?
4. AOG (age of gestation) on Birth?
24 Weeks 1 day gestation, weighing 675 gms
5. How long in labor?
3 weeks (not kidding) The doctor kept telling me that it was just growing pains, but when I checked into the hospital at 23 weeks when my water broke, they said it was labour…
Doctors who don’t listen should be strangled. Maybe if he had listened your labor could have been delayed a little longer. Every day counts with preterm babies. I went into labor at the start of my second trimester. It was bedrest for months and almost a dozen hospital stays. But at least my doctor didn’t give me that growing pains nonsense.