
The Summer of Learning!

Because the heat has been unbearable this Summer I have stayed close to home with my boys. This has given us some time to make up a list of new skills that the boys are going to master this Summer.

One of my biggest fears is drowning. Oddly enough we put in a pool this Summer so safety has become something that we are even more aware of. This has, however, given us the chance to teach our boys to swim and become comfortable in the water at their pace and they have grown leap and bounds in just a couple weeks. They are at the age now where they are more open minded about new experiences, which has lead to them learning quite a few new skills.

In fact tonight my youngest son asked my husband to take the training wheels off his bike. It will probably be a couple weeks before he can really balance the bike on his own, but it sure is exciting that he wants to take this step.

Most parents see the Summer as a 10 week stretch where they needs to be carefully planned in order to keep their kids busy. I have started to see it as a time where we can go places that we wouldn’t normally go together and do activities on our own schedule. It has been busy, but I love watching my guys learn new skills and experience new adventures.

What have your kids learned this Summer?

“Disclosure:  I am part of the Fisher-Price Play Panel and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.”

About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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