
There’s a Baby Boom at The Birth Place at Olathe Medical Center – Among the Staff!

There’s a unique baby boom happening at The Birth Place at Olathe Medical Center, and this time, it’s not just about the patients. More than a dozen staff members are either expecting or have recently given birth, making for an extraordinary environment.

Pregnant Woman Group In Row

In fact, 16 women on staff are currently pregnant or have recently had a baby. Just last week, one nurse welcomed a new addition to her family.

“It seemed like every time we came to work, there was at least one or two more people that we heard were pregnant,” shared RN Tabitha Cross with Fox4 news. “It’s like, man, this list is growing quickly.”

This baby boom among the staff has led to some light-hearted speculation. “I don’t know what’s in the water, but everyone drank enough of it because we are all pregnant it seems like,” joked Cross. Among the 16 pregnant nurses at Olathe Medical Center, which is now part of KU Health System, five have already given birth, with the rest due through February of next year.

“It’s really cool to be pregnant with your coworkers at the same time,” said Cross. “You experience the same things and get to talk about how you feel. You don’t feel like you’re alone.”

Cross and her colleagues share a strong bond. Last year, she gave birth to her firstborn just eight days after another nurse. This year, a labor nurse is due five days before her. Outside of work, they try to get together once a month for playdates, fostering a sense of community that extends beyond the hospital.

Senior Director of Nursing Annette Osbern noted that this camaraderie enhances patient care. With about 105 people on staff, the team steps up to cover for one another, ensuring seamless operations despite the overlapping due dates. “Our group is so good. They’ll just step up to the plate, and pick up extra shifts, and come in to help when we have that need,” Osbern said.

Patients have certainly noticed the baby bumps. Cross mentioned that as a mom, she enjoys relating to her patients on a personal level. “I’ve had a handful of patients recently be like, ‘All of you guys are pregnant, aren’t you?’ And I’m like, ‘Yeah, a lot of us are.’ It seems like everyone that comes in the room is either expecting or just had a baby,” she said. This shared experience often makes patients feel more comfortable and open, making their hospital stay more personal and comforting.

In the past, the medical center has had 8 to 11 nurses pregnant at one time, but 16 sets a new record. She expects another boy and is due in November.

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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