There are some milestones in your child’s life that are harder to achieve than others. Some moms find potty training especially difficult, enlisting the help of professionals or enrolling their toddlers in potty training boot camps.
Here are some tips that may help you in your diaper-free conquest:
Your child may be ready to start trying to use the toilet if he or she:
- stays dry for a couple of hours each day
- takes an interest when you, your partner, or older siblings go to the toilet
- has bowel movements at regular times of the day, eg after breakfast
- can demonstrate when a bowel movement is taking place, by squatting or making a grunting sound for example
- lets you know he wants to be changed when his nappy is soiled
It’s usually best not to start toilet training your child during times of stress, such as:
- the arrival of a new baby in the family
- starting a new childcare arrangement
- moving from a cot to a bed
- moving house
- family relationship problems
- when a family member is ill
- Be positive and upbeat – show the change as something exciting.
- Give lots of praise whenever your child manages to do poo on the potty. Stress how grown up and clever he is.
- Don’t rush things. Sometimes if you start teaching later, it takes less time. Toddlers over two and a half may learn almost overnight.
- Expect setbacks. Learning to use the toilet is just like other skills your toddler learns – you expect a lot of falls before walking comes easily.
- Give your toddler clothes that can be pulled down or up easily. You may also want him to wear training pants at first, to cope with those inevitable accidents.
- Never force your child to sit on the potty. This will only upset him and won’t make the process any faster.
- Some toddlers enjoy picking out their own potty and toilet seat.
- Many toddlers are afraid of the sound of the toilet flushing or don’t like to see the poo being flushed away. If your child feels like this, just wait until he has run off to play, then flush.
- It always takes longer for a child to learn to stay dry at night. When he starts having the occasional dry nappy in the morning, it’s a good sign that the time is right to try going without a nappy.
- Do your best not to be angry with your child if he has an accident. Just say, cheerfully, “Never mind, you’ll get there next time. Let’s get you some dry pants.”
- Remember to get your toddler to wash their hands afterward, so that using the potty or toilet is associated with handwashing from the word go.
Okay, I have a 3 year old little boy who is fully potty trained through out the day (wears underwear) even at nap time. He will even tell me when he needs to go poo poo but will refuse to sit on the potty. He asks if he can have a pull-up on instead. Now, I have his BM timing down pat but just am baffield at why he still prefers to do his business in his pull-up or should I even admit, his underwear rather than going on the potty like he does when he has to urinate. We do not get onto him when he does #2 in his pants and he always asks to be changed afterwards. However, I do tell him that he needs to do #2 in the potty and not in his pants. I know people say boys are slow learners, but not this one…he is one smart cookie!!! Any suggestions/comments would be helpful!!!
Helo my name is Rebeca Stapp. I am Founder Owner and CEO For our Countries first and only Potty Boot Camp thats right I have been in Business for 8years and have fully potty traind children starting at ages 8Months and older including sevee special needs. Because I kdo not believe in single methodpotty training I refuse to write a book and sit back to watch another familywonder if their is somthing wong with their child or themselves. Out of over 2000 cildren that I have ersonally potty trained I have nevr potty trained a child the same way, nt even identicle twins. Parents enroll their childrenin my camp knowing that I will hae their child fully potty trained in less than two days. Yes including at night. am th only one in the country that prvides this service and have legally protected the concept because I know how serios and hard it is once you start traiing a child if it is not complete. I ave had parents come to me crying becase they feel like they have done smthing wrong. I am not at 100% to say that I am at 100%. I care about every family and childthat comes to my front door and refuse tolet that child down. Ther a lot of rumors flying around abaout potty training. I have to tell you i wn’t even red whats put out their because I disagree so much with the exsperience I have gained it ruly makes me sad that we are s misguided when it comes to the very first lesson a child learns and had to learn independently….. i cant even say how it makes me feel. Some families are even told that their specil needs children will never be potty trained. Potty training ismore serious then we make it. Its not about waiting util a child is ready because your child may never be ready for this big of a change. The younger a child is the easier they are to train . If you wai until you are noticing that your child s waking up dry or your not havig to change as many diapers guess what? Your child has learned to hold it before they have learned to control it. You will spnd hours sitting with your child ony to take them off and find they justpeed on the floor. So much more i can say. About doo doo . I have had to do poopy trainings only because a child pees on he potty but refuses to make poopy this is also common. I only takes one day to fix thisproblem. Yet poopies can delay a child from being trained becaue their confidence is diged evertime they poop in pants. I won’t even get starte on Pull-ups….. Anyway I have made it a mission i life to help as many people as I cn enjoy their last diaper days as a mlestone and to empower children . Please ontact me if you want more information I am the only one in the country that provides the service you can look me up I am listed on facebook : “Potty Trainer” mr name is Rebecca Stapp my phone number is 623-764-7478 I can also put a cstom plan together for your child and consult you over the phone it takes only one day to fully train your child and one day follow up. My phone number is 623-764-7478 Rebecca Stapp FaceBook : Potty Trainer see what m parents have to say you can also view a clip of Today Sow when we potty trained News Anchor Tannya Joaquin’s little boy in just 4 hours. I wouldlve to hear from you especially if youchild has had more than 5 or 6 accidents during trainig because that means your child has formed some bad habbits that will be muh harder to breat than it is to potty train….The First daof Camp is the last day your child will wear a Diaper. Have a very merry “clean and dry ” Holiday….Rebecca