
Toddler Accidentally Served Alcohol at Salinas Restaurant

A family from Hollister, California is urging parents to exercise caution after their 2-year-old daughter was mistakenly served alcohol at a restaurant in Salinas, leading to an unexpected trip to the emergency room.

Girl Holding Baby Cup

During a family dinner at Fujiyama Japanese Restaurant in Salinas, the parents ordered apple juice for their daughter. However, it wasn’t until the toddler began displaying alarming behavior that they realized something was wrong. The juice cup, which appeared normal, had been filled with house-made cooking wine instead of apple juice.

The child’s mom, Noemi Valencia, described the frightening moment: “She was swaying, falling over, leaning on walls, couldn’t hold her head up, and slurring her words.” Alarmed, the parents immediately smelled the drink and discovered it was wine.

The family rushed their daughter to Salinas Valley Emergency Room, where a blood test revealed an alcohol level of 0.12% in the child’s system. Thankfully, the little girl has since fully recovered.

The restaurant’s manager explained that the mix-up occurred because the wine was stored in a large container labeled “apple juice,” leading to the server’s mistake. The Salinas Police Department confirmed that a police report was filed on August 17, 2024, and an investigation is underway.

The California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control also issued a statement, confirming that they are aware of the incident and are working with local authorities to investigate.

Valencia hopes this incident serves as a reminder for restaurants to implement stricter storage and labeling practices. She also urges other parents to taste their children’s drinks to ensure their safety: “Parents: taste what’s served to your kids.”

While the family is grateful the situation wasn’t worse, they emphasize the importance of vigilance in preventing such accidents in the future.

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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