Unusual Baby Stories

Toddler Served Margarita Instead of Apple Juice

Confusion and concern arose when Kim Mayorga’s 2-year-old child started acting strangely and rejecting the apple juice that had been ordered at Applebee’s. The cause of this unusual behavior was soon discovered when Kim opened the sippy cup and was overwhelmed by the strong odor of tequila and Triple Sec.

apple juice

It turns out that the restaurant staff had mistakenly given Julian Mayorga a margarita instead of apple juice on Monday. Several hours later, he became drowsy and started vomiting, leading to an urgent trip to the hospital.

Initially, Kim Mayorga didn’t want to make a big fuss about the incident. However, her son’s illness changed her perspective.

According to Randy Tei, vice president for Apple Bay East Inc., which owns the franchise restaurant and nine other Applebee’s locations in the San Francisco Bay area, the mix-up occurred because the apple juice and margarita were stored in identical plastic bottles. The manager accidentally grabbed the margarita container when pouring the boy’s drink.

As a result of this unfortunate incident, the Mayorgas will be compensated for their medical expenses. Additionally, the franchise group’s restaurants have decided to no longer use similar containers for apple juice and margaritas, in order to prevent similar accidents from happening in the future.


About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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