Sarah has a rare blood condition known as Hughes syndrome. Nicknamed “sticky blood,” the condition causes blood clots in the placenta; the condition is said to be the biggest cause of recurrent miscarriages. Sarah and Thomas know this loss all too well.
Their first pregnancy (also twins) would end in a heartbreaking miscarriage. Then they would welcome now nine-year-old son Christopher, who somehow miraculously survived.
“When he was delivered, the placenta was full of clots and it was a miracle he survived,” Sarah told Daily Mail UK.
You see, the condition is easily treated with blood thinners. When doctors learned that Sarah was pregnant with Rebekah, they prescribed the drugs to her so she could safely carry her daughter without the risk of clots. That same prescription would enable her to carry the next set of twins – Hannah and Thomas – almost to term. Both of which are happy, healthy and about twice the size of average twins.
Most twins are born around 5 pounds. But as Sarah watched her belly grow to a full 57 inches, she realized the twins were going to be bigger; she just didn’t realize HOW big. When nurses placed Hannah and Thomas on the scales, they were all in for a surprise! Even having been born at 37 weeks gestation, Hannah weighed in at 8 pounds, 13 ounces; Thomas weighed in at 8 pounds, 11 ounces. Though not the largest, their combined weight of 17 pounds, 8 ounces, makes them among one of the largest pairs of mixed sex twins ever born in the UK. (The world record goes to a set of twins born at a combined weight of 27 pounds, 12 ounces.)
“I knew they were going to be big, but I didn’t expect this,” Sarah told Daily Mail UK. “My health visitor said, in 20 years, she has never known such big twins.”
“Rebekah and Christopher wanted one of each, so they were delighted when they found out,” Sarah said. “[Hannah and Thomas] are getting on very well and are good babies. They already look so different and have different personalities.”
Congratulations to the happy family on their most recent additions!
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