In a heartening turn of events, the 10-day-old baby who was taken in an abduction last Friday has been safely returned to her relieved parents. Shannon Torrez, a 36-year-old woman, broke into Stephanie Ochsenbine’s home in Lonedell, attacking her with a knife and fleeing with her week-old infant, Abigale Lynn Woods.
Authorities discovered that Torrez had learned about the baby through a “welcome home” yard sign for Stephanie. She claimed to be nine months pregnant and to have lost her own baby on the same day of the kidnapping. However, investigators are currently working to verify this information.
The breakthrough in the case came when Torrez’s sister-in-law, Dorothy Torrez, alerted the authorities. Dorothy grew suspicious upon noticing makeup on the baby’s forehead, which Shannon claimed was her own child. After removing the makeup, she discovered a distinctive strawberry-red birthmark that perfectly matched the description of the kidnapped infant.
We can all breathe a sigh of relief as the baby has been returned to her grateful parents. In similar cases, history has shown that around 75% of abducted infants are recovered within five days. This particular baby was successfully reunited with her family in just four days.