After spending years doing fertility treatments Ashley and Tyson Gardner are getting the family they have dreamed of – times 4!
Diagnosed with endometriosis in her early twenties Ashley her husband faced years of not being able to conceive.
“We tried for 8 long years (taking a few months of here and there to keep our sanity!) our efforts included, diet, a surgery on my end (laparoscopy), medications then onto 4 fails IUI’s,” Ashley told
As a last resort, the couple turned to in-vitro fertilization but were disappointed when only two(one perfect and one good) of the nine embryos created were viable for implantation.
“They put both back to give me the best odds of one sticking so we would at least get one baby out of this since I didn’t have any eggs to freeze and this was probably our last shot at this. The chances of even getting one to stick were 40%,” Ashley recalled.
But their luck was about to change.
Seven weeks after undergoing IVF, an ultrasound revealed that not only was the pregnancy was viable, they were having twins. A closer look at the screen, however, revealed that they had much more to be excited about.
“After about a minute of staring at the screen, she said there are four babies in here,” Tyson told ABC news. “Me and Ashley’s faces went pale white.”
With odds of about one in 70 million, both eggs had split to create two sets of identical twins – all girls!
Now 17 weeks along, Ashley is expected to go on bed rest very soon. A quadruplet pregnancy is at high risk for pre-term birth and other complications.
Their family is holding a baby shower for them next week and doctors say Ashley could deliver as early as 28 weeks. With just 3 months to prepare they’re feeling a little overwhelmed.
“The honest answer is I don’t know if you can prepare for this,” said Tyson Garnder. “It’s happening so fast we’re just trying to survive every day. The only thing we really care about at this point is the health of our babies.”
Ashley is due in March, but the babies are expected to arrive in December. The couple has created a Facebook page to keep friends and family up-to-date. Please visit A Miracle Unfolding-Gardner Quadruplets to stay current on their adventures!