Last year for Valentine’s Day I decided to enlist my little guy to make some special crayons for his classmates.
We had a lot of mismatched crayons and this was a great way to re-use them. Because I was making these for 2 classes, I did also have to buy a couple big boxes of crayons to use as well.
While shopping for the molds we decided to do hearts for the girls and LEGO men & blocks for their boys.
These crayons are fun because they allow kids to color creatively without having to search through the box.
The first step is to pull the paper off the crayons and chop them into pieces. Don’t make the pieces too small or they will melt into a mess. I won’t lie, this part isn’t fun. The papers can be tricky remove – especially when you are doing a hundred+ crayons.
For the LEGO men and blocks, I used greens, blues, greys, yellows, oranges and whites.
For the hearts I used reds, pinks, yellows, blues and oranges.
Next, I tasked my son with filling the molds.
Make sure to not overfill the molds. You may also have to add some little pieces to fill in the spaces.
I put them in the oven at 200? and baked them until the crayons were completely melted.
Once they were out of the oven and cooled, I noticed that the melted wax was less in the middle of the mold and more around the edges. Because I’m crazy, I melted blue and green crayons(separately) in a can in a pot of water on the stove to create a smooth back on the blocks and men.
TIP: Let the LEGO blocks and men cool completely or the nubs on the blocks will break off and stay in the molds.
This craft is fun, easy to do and cool to gift. These would also be great for birthday party loot bags.
I bought my molds on Amazon. The heart one was $10 and the blocks and LEGO men were $9 each.
TIP: Make sure that the molds you buy are able to go into the oven because some are just for the freezer or for making chocolate and not suitable for higher temperatures.