Labour and Delivery Pregnancy Health

Why New Parents Should Consider Taking Prenatal Classes

Every parent should be prepared for what’s going to happen when your baby decides to arrive.

In your community, you will find prenatal classes that will teach both you and your partner how to deal with all of the craziness that is going to occur after your water breaks.

Some new parents find that attending these classes can really help calm their worries and answer many questions.

These classes cover many pregnancy issues such as:

  • breathing techniques
  • massage skills
  • pain management
  • vaginal labor
  • cesarean labor
  • possibly early parenthood information as well

Some of the benefits of taking prenatal classes are:

  1. You will learn warning signs that indicate something is wrong
  2. The additional knowledge will help you to be confident during childbirth.
  3. You will get a better understanding of your partners role during labour and delivery.
  4. Dads taking the class with their partners will feel more involved in the pregnancy.
  5. You may meet other parents who will be due at the same time as you. This will give you the opportunity to have friends to do play dates with after your baby arrives.

Even though prenatal classes come in all shapes and sizes, they all have a common goal – to help prepare you for labour, birth, and early parenthood.

Some parents get more out of childbirth classes than others do. But even if you find the techniques you’re taught don’t work for you when you finally go into labor, you may get other benefits from the class.


  • It is recommended you register for these classes early as they fill up quickly.
  • Expectant parents normally attend these classes between 26 and 29th week.
  • Your OBGYN may have a class or instructor that he/she has heard good things about – ask them for recommendations
  • From about 34 weeks onward, you will probably be given the opportunity to visit the hospital and tour round the labor suite. This gives parents the chance to become familiar with the layout and to find out how things are done there.

About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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