Multiple Births

Woman Faked Being Pregnant With Quints

Qiao Yubo, a 23-year-old woman from Songyuan city, Jilin province, gained media attention in China for her supposed pregnancy. However, her deception was exposed when a doctor arrived at her home for a check-up and she fled, according to Xinhua News.

“The pregnant mom jumped from a window and ran away,” says Mr Li, president of Changchun Puji Hospital.

Qiao later confessed to stuffing clothes under her dress to fake the pregnancy in order to make her husband, Liu Defu, happy. Liu had been involved in a car crash, and Qiao did not want to further distress him after she suffered a miscarriage with their twins due to a fall.

Although Liu assumed there were more children due to Qiao’s previous disclosure of carrying twins, he forgave her, recognizing her dedication to his well-being during his recovery.

“I knew she was pregnant with multiples, so I didn’t dare touch her, even in sleep.”

The couple has chosen to move forward, with Liu expressing his understanding of Qiao’s actions: “She was caring for me while I was injured and didn’t want me to experience further pain by learning about the miscarriage.”


About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

1 Comment

  • Yeah, maybe with one baby but 5 is completely ridiculous! Why would you even WANT to fake being that huge?

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