When Lindsay Hasaj found out she was pregnant, she and her husband Tony were thrilled.
But five weeks later, the 27-year old received a bigger surprise – doctors told her she had a dual reproductive system, with the baby growing in one of her two wombs.
Her condition – which means that she also has two cervixes and two vaginas – halves the chance of fertilisation.
Her rare condition, uterus didelphys, had not been detected because her body is normal externally.
In November she went to hospital with a pain in her abdomen that she feared was caused by an ectopic pregnancy – when a baby grows outside the womb.
Once that was ruled out, more tests were ordered. Just ten minutes into her ultrasound, it was determined that Lindsay had two wombs and two cervixes.
Although eight in 10,000 women in the UK have some form of uterus didelphys, only one in a million has exactly Lindsay’s anatomy. She has one entrance to her vagina, which then divides into two internally.
The condition does pose some problems because the two wombs are considerably weaker than a normal one.
Now three months pregnant, Lindsay needs to have her cervix checked every 2 weeks and may need hormones to strengthen it.
This will probably be her only baby and her dreams of a large family are unlikely to be fulfilled. ‘I’m just happy that I’ve been given the chance to be a mum at least once,’ she said.
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Wow! that’s crazy. One in a million. I will pray for a safe delivery for you and your baby