Parenting Unusual Baby Stories

World’s Smallest Mom Shows Off Third Baby, Wants Fourth

Tiny mom Stacey Herald and husband Wil are showing off the newest addition to their family – baby Malachi.

Stacey has a rare genetic condition called Osteogenisis Imperfecta, which stunts her growth and causes underdeveloped lungs and brittle bones.

Years ago, doctors warned Stacey, who is just 2ft 4ins, it would be too dangerous for her to ever have children.

Determined to have a family, the 35-year-old defied docs and has gone to give birth to three babies in the last three years.

Malachi was born by a rare vertical caesarian in November weighing just 2lb 1oz. After his arrival he had to be placed into an incubator in intensive care and was only allowed home last month after falling seriously ill with a virus and then suffered a life-threatening hernia.

Both he and his oldest sister Kateri, 3, have inherited their mom’s condition, while middle child Makya is average sized.

While Wil is at work Stacey watches the 3 kids on her own. A specially built platform allows her to bath them and change their diapers during the day.

The family’s cupboards are organized so she can reach everything she needs to when her husband is not home.

At night Wil takes care of night feeding and diaper changes.

“We’re pretty busy right now,” Stacey says, “Sleep is something we really miss.

“Three children would be a challenge for anyone – even normal sized people.”

Mrs Herald struggles to cope with daughter Makya, who is already a foot taller than her.

“I can’t physically stop Makya if she’s upset,” said Mrs Herald. “She’s too big for me now, so Wil has to take care of that.”

With all this, Stacey says they are not ruling out a fourth baby. Crazy you say? We agree!

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!


  • I think it is selfish of the mother to procreate and destroy the lives of these children who inherited her disease. she should have adopted.

  • I have a child with OI. It is extremely selfish to have children if you carry the gene. My daughter had 2 sons and the eldest also has OI. I was very angry with her for falling pregnant. Not once twice. OI is a life sentence! My daughter is now terminally ill. Every time her eldest displays a symptom I get angry all over.

  • I forgot to mention that Vic got the OI gene from her paternal grandfather. He died and was never diagnosed with OI. Only after Vicky started displaying symptoms my mother-in-law confirmed that her late husband had all the same symptoms. My husband went to his grave blaming himself for passing on the OI gene.

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