
Baby Thriving After Being Born ‘Inside-Out’

Dorothy Montgomery is an incredible baby who defied the odds from the moment she was born. At just one month old, Dorothy faced a rare challenge – she was born with a severe form of gastroschisis, a condition where her vital organs protruded from her abdomen.

Newborn baby feet and hands of the mother

For Sadie, a 21-year-old hairdresser from Wiltshire, the discovery of Dorothy’s condition during a routine 12-week scan was overwhelming. She recalls the moment vividly, tears flowing as the midwife revealed the unexpected news.

Doctors moved quickly, using compression strips to guide Dorothy’s organs back into her body. Thankfully, this simple solution resolved the issue without the need for further medical intervention.

Sadie’s journey began when she discovered her pregnancy at seven weeks. Initially, everything seemed normal, but at the 12-week mark, a nurse noticed a concerning anomaly on the umbilical cord.

“I was only 21, and I asked her what the hell she meant by that,” Sadie said.

“She gently told me that sometimes babies’ tummies don’t form properly.”

Faced with uncertainty, Sadie confronted the possibility of gastroschisis or the more complex exomphalos, which could have led to lifelong challenges for Dorothy.

Sadie opted for a blood test, which confirmed the diagnosis of gastroschisis at 16 weeks. Throughout her pregnancy, she underwent regular scans to monitor Dorothy’s progress. 

At 32 weeks doctors opted for emergency C-section at 32 weeks due to elevated heart rate concerns. Dorothy arrived weighing a mere 4lbs.

“They wrapped her all up in clingfilm,” Sadie said.

“And I was really lucky because they put her in a towel, and I got to see her for a little while.

“But they transferred her to Southampton Hospital straight afterwards, to get her condition treated.”

Surrounded by her supportive family, Sadie faced the reality of Dorothy’s condition – a delicate process of compressing her organs back into place.

“It was everything. All her kidneys, stomach, liver, fallopian tubes, intestines and ovaries were out,” she recalled.

With the help of medical technology, including a silicone “silo bag,” Dorothy’s organs gradually returned to their natural position. Within weeks, to Sadie’s amazement, Dorothy’s abdomen closed, marking a significant milestone in her journey.

Today, six weeks later, Dorothy thrives like any other newborn, feeding and growing steadily. Sadie beams with pride, grateful for the medical expertise and support that helped them through their challenging journey.

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About the author

Lisa Arneill

Founder of Growing Your Baby and World Traveled Family. Canadian mom of 2 boys, photo addict, lover of bulldogs, and museumgoer. Always looking for our next vacation spot!

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